Undergraduate (Bachelors Degree)
Undergraduate Degree in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
Learning period: 3 Years/ 2 Years | Type of Program: Double major | Enrollment Status: Registration begins January 29, 2023 | Department web site
The Department of Middle Eastern History upholds researching and teaching the history of the region from Morocco in the west to Iran in the east, from the birth of Islam in the 7th century to present day.
The development of Islam and the political, military, economic and demographic history of the people of the region are examined in the context of three periods: The Middle Ages, the Ottoman Era and the new era. Our students are introduced to a variety of historical sources and obtain comprehensive skills in the languages of the region, first and foremost with Arabic. In addition, they obtain skills in the usage of varying research tools.
Studies at the department aim at broadening the students’ knowledge of the Middle East’s past and its place in Western and Jewish history, as well as equipping them with a critical historical approach. Students also attain the necessary tools for understanding recent regional processes.
The department of Middle Eastern History is one of the University of Haifa’s oldest departments. Students receive a broad inter-disciplinary view of the Middle East and Muslim world, with its one and a half billion people across the globe. It is vital for Israeli policymakers, academics, government employees, public-sector employees, business people, teachers, educators, activists and civil organizations, and everyone wishing to understand the region, to grasp the historical, political, diplomatic, economic, social, and cultural processes which underlie its developments. The department offer a unique academic experience in Israel’s most diverse, multicultural university, whose student body includes Jews, Muslims, and Christians.
The department awards a double major B.A. degree, thesis and non-thesis masters degrees, and a Ph.D. in the History of the Middle East and Islam. The curriculum includes courses on the region’s ancient and modern history, Islam, Arab nationalism, Palestinian society, women’s status in the family, society, and law, media, tourism, and more. Part of the degree involves studying one of the region’s languages: literary Arabic, spoken Arabic, Farsi, or Turkish.
The department also accepts students for spring semester.
General Admission Requirements:
1. Complete Matriculation Certificate/ high school diploma or an equivalent recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Education or by the Registration Department.
2. Psychometric Entrance Examination/ SAT or ACT.
3.Knowledge of English– The level of English is determined within the framework of the Psychometric Entrance Examination, the English Placement Tests (AMIR /AMIRAM) or SAT, TOFEL, IELTS, ECRL tests.
The minimum level of English required for admission to the university is Basic (a score of at least 85). Certain departments require a higher level of English.
4. Knowledge of Hebrew – Applicants who took the Psychometric Entrance Examination in a language other than Hebrew and graduated from high schools where the language of instruction was not Hebrew, must prove satisfactory knowledge of Hebrew before the beginning of the academic year by passing a Hebrew Proficiency Test (YAEL/ YAELNET/ Hebrew classification test of the University of Haifa* ). The score required for admission to the University of Haifa is a score of at least 120 on the YAEL/ YAELNET/ Hebrew classification tests.
Applicants whose scores on the YAEL/ YAELNET/Hebrew classification tests range from 90-119 and their Psychometric score was at least 500 will be conditionally admitted and will have to pass the Hebrew Proficiency Test at the required score by the end of the first year of their studies. These students also have the option of studying a Hebrew literacy course within the framework of the University of Haifa preparatory program (Mechina) . Those who meet the course requirements and their final score in the course will be 85 and above will be exempt from the Hebrew condition.
Please note that certain departments require a higher level of Hebrew and that some departments do not approve admission with a Hebrew condition.
*The Hebrew classification test and Hebrew literacy course is valid at the University of Haifa only.
5.Departmental Entrance Examinations/Special admissions requirements– Certain departments require applicants to take a departmental Entrance Examinations and/or attend an interview or meet other departmental requirements.
For more information about the general admission requirements please read the supplement.
In addition to the general university admission requirements, the candidate must meet individual departmental admission requirements.
- A weighted grade of 560 or the special admission requirements of the Faculty of Humanities.
- Hebrew evaluation test score 105 for candidates from non-Hebrew schools.
- For 2 year track: Score of 600 on psychometric entrance examination + Hebrew evaluation test score 120 for candidates from non-Hebrew schools + English score of 100 on psychometric entrance examination/AMIR/AMIRAM
- Outstanding graduates of the University of Haifa’s pre-academic preparatory program will be accepted (for more information click here).
- For the calculator that rates the likelihood of your admission, click here.
Admission Requirements for Students who have a Matriculation Certificate** but have not taken the Psychometric Exam:
- Candidates with an average grade of 85 in their Matriculation Certificate.
- English Requirement: basic level
- Hebrew – A minimum grade of 105 in the YAEL Hebrew Proficiency Exam or an equivalent university examination, or the successful completion of a university literacy course.
Candidates will be required to pass a departmental entrance test based on material provided to them in advance by the department (details about the entrance exam can be obtained from the department secretariat – more information on the department’s website).
*The University reserves the right to change or amend the admission regulations, fees and tuition at any time without prior notification.
** Matriculation certificate = Israeli matriculation certificate or equivalent
- Double major program
- Option to start studying in the second semester.
- Two year program
- Middle East and Political Science
- Middle East and Arab
- Ezri Honors Program for the Study of Iran and the Gulf States
Excelling B.A. graduates may continue their studies at our Advanced degree programs, including the M.A. and Ph.D. Tracks. Several of our graduates have joined our staff and that of other leading institutions and universities in Israel and throughout the world. Others have joined the public and administrative sectors, including the Ministry of Education, the Foreign Office, economic and military institutions.