Ph.D. Study Departments
Ph.D in Creative Art Therapies
Duration of studies: 4 Years | Registration Status: Open for Fall semester 2021-2022 | Department web site
Admission Requirements
The program’s goals are to train researchers and clinicians who are art therapy specialists in the fields of health, education, welfare, and rehabilitation. The program also aims to conduct empirical studies that will contribute to the profession of art therapies.
Admission Requirements
Applicants need to have a Master of Arts in Creative Art Therapies from an institute of higher education in Israel or abroad recognized by the Council of Higher Education, and with a grade point average of 90 and above.
A minimum thesis grade of 90.
The applicant must provide recommendations to support the application.
A Curriculum Vitae.
Confirmation of a doctoral supervisor.
An approved declaration of intent.
Post-graduation employment opportunities: Ph.D. graduates will be able to advance and develop in their field of occupation, in academia and research, as part of educational work frames, and in healthcare services, clinics, etc.