Undergraduate (Bachelors Degree)
Undergraduate Degree in Cognitive Sciences
Learning period: 3 Years | Type of Program: Double major | Enrollment Status: Registration begins January 29, 2023 | Department web site
Cognitive Sciences is a multidisciplinary science degree combining different perspectives and research methodologies and applying them to mental processes such as perception, learning, memory, language, cognition, decision-making, creativity, emotions, group relations, and consciousness. The material, research methods, and findings are anchored in several key fields: psychology and the study of the processes that enable mental processes and their behavioral expression; computer science and information systems (disciplines focusing on the computational aspect of intelligent systems), neuroscience (the biological, physiological, and anatomical aspects of human behavior and their neural networks), philosophy (the study of assumptions and axioms, such as mental representation, computation analogy, consciousness, and semantics) and linguistics (the study of the cognitive system of language). Cognitive sciences uniquely combines approaches and results from many disciplines to discover the underlying processes behind mental phenomena.
General Admission Requirements:
1. Complete Matriculation Certificate/ high school diploma or an equivalent recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Education or by the Registration Department.
2. Psychometric Entrance Examination/ SAT or ACT.
3. Knowledge of English– The level of English is determined within the framework of the Psychometric Entrance Examination, the English Placement Tests (AMIR /AMIRAM) or SAT, TOFEL, IELTS, ECRL tests.
The minimum level of English required for admission to the university is Basic (a score of at least 85). Certain departments require a higher level of English.
4. Knowledge of Hebrew – Applicants who took the Psychometric Entrance Examination in a language other than Hebrew and graduated from high schools where the language of instruction was not Hebrew, must prove satisfactory knowledge of Hebrew before the beginning of the academic year by passing a Hebrew Proficiency Test (YAEL/ YAELNET/ Hebrew classification test of the University of Haifa* ). The score required for admission to the University of Haifa is a score of at least 120 on the YAEL/ YAELNET/ Hebrew classification tests.
Applicants whose scores on the YAEL/ YAELNET/Hebrew classification tests range from 90-119 and their Psychometric score was at least 500 will be conditionally admitted and will have to pass the Hebrew Proficiency Test at the required score by the end of the first year of their studies. These students also have the option of studying a Hebrew literacy course within the framework of the University of Haifa preparatory program (Mechina) . Those who meet the course requirements and their final score in the course will be 85 and above will be exempt from the Hebrew condition.
Please note that certain departments require a higher level of Hebrew and that some departments do not approve admission with a Hebrew condition.
*The Hebrew classification test and Hebrew literacy course is valid at the University of Haifa only.
5.Departmental Entrance Examinations/Special admissions requirements– Certain departments require applicants to take a departmental Entrance Examinations and/or attend an interview or meet other departmental requirements.
For more information about the general admission requirements please read the supplement.
In addition to the general university admission requirements, the candidate must meet individual departmental admission requirements.
1. Admission criteria for the combined BSc. program in Cognitive Science and Computer Sciences:
- A weighted matriculation** + psychometric test score of 700.
- Matriculation math score of at least 90 in the 4-points test, or 75 in the 5-points test.
- YAEL Hebrew Proficiency Test score of 120 for candidates from non-Hebrew schools.
2. Admission criteria for the combined BA. program in Cognitive Science and other programs:
- A weighted matriculation** + psychometric test score of 650.
- Matriculation math score of at least 80 in the 4-points test, or 70 in the 5-points test.
- 120 in the YAEL Hebrew Proficiency Test.
Admission requirements for both departments must be met.
The departmental Exceptions Committee will review applicants who are on the borderline of the above-mentioned requirements.
3. Outstanding graduates of the University of Haifa’s pre-academic preparatory program will be accepted (for more information click here).
4. Admission criteria for the pre-undergraduate study track:
- A weighted matriculation + psychometric test score of 650-679.
- Admission without a psychometric test:
- Matriculation English score of at least 85 in the 5-points test.
- Matriculation math score of at least 90 in the 4-points test or 85 in the 5-points test
- YAEL Hebrew Proficiency Test score of 120 for candidates from non-Hebrew schools.
- Pre-basic English level and above
Applicants in the pre-undergraduate study are required to take the following classes, and pass them with a grade of 75 or higher, in the first semester:
- Math for Cognitive Science students (5 credits)
- Physiological basis of behavior (2 credits)
- Philosophical Fundamentals of Cognitive Sciences (4 credits)
- Statistics for Psychologists (2 credits)
Fulfilling these requirements will grant the candidates admission to the undergraduate program in the following semester, and the above classes will counted towards their program credit.
- For the calculator that rates the likelihood of your admission, click here.
*The University reserves the right to change or amend the admission regulations, fees and tuition at any time without prior notification.
** Matriculation certificate = Israeli matriculation certificate or equivalent
Recommended study programs:
- Cognitive Science and Computer Science
- Cognitive Science and Information Systems
- Cognitive Science and Psychology
- Cognitive Science and Philosophy
- Cognitive Science and Hebrew
- For other combinations, students are advised to contact the secretary of the Cognition Science Department.
The aim of the program is to train experts with a broad knowledge base and rich, creative thinking. Program graduates are expected to continue their studies both in specific aspects of cognitive science, including: cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, computer science, philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence, and linguistics–and in interdisciplinary programs such as behavioral brain studies, brain and psychopathology, and cognitive science. The program aims to give graduates a broad knowledge base in cognitive science and develop their interdisciplinary thinking as early as during their undergraduate studies. The main emphasis of the program is to facilitate complex and diversified thinking that will allow a successful entry of graduates into academia and industry. Graduates have unique advantages and experience in different research areas and the integration between them, that will enable them, in the future, to be an important part of the research infrastructure of one of the most fascinating and important fields in the world.
שילובים מומלצים עם החוג למדעי הקוגניציה: מערכות מידע,מדעי המחשב, פסיכולוגיה, פילוסופיה, לשון העברית