Questions & Answers

Sexual harassment is any behavior of a sexual nature which may cause offence to another person, specifically:

  1. Extortion by threats, when the act that the person is required to do is of a sexual nature;
  2. Indecent acts – an act for the purpose of sexual stimulation, gratification or humiliation, or an indecent act in public;
  3. Derisive or degrading treatment of a person in relation to his or her gender or sexuality, including his or her sexual orientation;
  4. Repeated offers of a sexual nature, addressed to a person who has made it known** to the harasser that he or she are not interested in said offers;
  5. Repeated refences addressed to a person, focusing on his or her sexuality, while said person has made it known** to the harasser that they have no interest in said references;
  6. Publicizing a photograph, video or recording of a person, focusing on his or her sexuality, under circumstances in which the publication may humiliate or demean the person, and his or her consent to the publication has not been given.

**Where there is a relationship of authority, it is not required to show disinterest.


In the event you have been sexually harassed, we encourage you to contact the University’s Sexual Harassment Prevention Commission to receive guidance and file a complaint. Contacting the Commission will allow you to receive assistance and have your claim examined, as well as help eradicate the phenomena of sexual harassment from the university. Furthermore, you have the option of filing a complaint with the police, of filing a civil suit in the Labor Court and requesting financial compensation. You can choose all or only part of the above courses of action.

Yes, the Commissioner will make every effort to handle the complaint without exposing the identity of the complainant.

  • As soon as we are informed of a suspicion of sexual harassment, we are obligated to start complaint examination proceedings.
  • The examination usually includes a meeting with the complainant, a meeting with the accused and speaking to witnesses who can contribute to examination of the complaint.
  • At the conclusion of the examination, the Commissioner will forward a summary of the examination and recommendations to the decision maker at the university. The decision maker must publish the decision regarding the steps of action (for handling the complaint in the event any are required).
  • The Commissioner may recommend intermediary step until the examination is completed and recommendations are submitted.

Mistreatment based on sexual harassment is prohibited by law and constitutes a criminal offense.

According to the provisions of the law, prohibited mistreatment is any injury to a person that results from sexual harassment or a complaint, lawsuit or testimony filed about any such harassment. In the event of a complaint, the university will do everything in its power to prevent mistreatment.

The university will assist in locating an alternate advisor / lecturer and will do everything in its power to help you complete your degree.

The party in the position of authority is responsible for preventing this intimate relationship. However, if a romantic relationship has developed, the person in the position of authority must immediately report to the academic or administrative body in charge and to the Commissioner for Sexual Harassment, in order for them to act immediately to sever any authority relationship between them, all while preventing any harm to the student and/or employee (as applicable).