Undergraduate (Bachelor's Degree)
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Medical Imaging
Learning period: 3.5 years (7 semesters) | Type of Program: Single major | Enrollment Status: Registration begins January 29, 2023| Department web site
The Medical Imaging Sciences Department is an innovative and a newly established department at the University of Haifa.
The B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) degree will be awarded to the program graduates after a seven semesters course of study.*
The innovative and inter-disciplinary study program will open to its graduates broad career and employment opportunities in the field of medical imaging in the National Healthcare System, high-tech industry and academia.**
Starting at Fall Semester 2022-2023, the program will be focused on training medical imaging technicians with broad theoretical knowledge, technological skills and interpersonal skills for technology-patients interfaces.
The program’s vision: to provide highly educated and trained professionals for the 21st century state-of-the-art medical imaging systems, in healthcare systems, the industry and the academia.
* The B.Sc. award depends upon approval of The Council for Higher Education.
** Graduates of the study program shall be awarded a B.Sc. in Medical Imaging Sciences. Employment in the National Healthcare System will depend upon approval of the Ministry of Health.
General Admission Requirements:
1. Complete Matriculation Certificate/ high school diploma or an equivalent recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Education or by the Registration Department.
2. Psychometric Entrance Examination/ SAT or ACT.
3. Knowledge of English– The level of English is determined within the framework of the Psychometric Entrance Examination, the English Placement Tests (AMIR /AMIRAM) or SAT, TOFEL, IELTS, ECRL tests.
The minimum level of English required for admission to the university is Basic (a score of at least 85). Certain departments require a higher level of English.
4. Knowledge of Hebrew – Applicants who took the Psychometric Entrance Examination in a language other than Hebrew and graduated from high schools where the language of instruction was not Hebrew, must prove satisfactory knowledge of Hebrew before the beginning of the academic year by passing a Hebrew Proficiency Test (YAEL/ YAELNET/ Hebrew classification test of the University of Haifa* ). The score required for admission to the University of Haifa is a score of at least 120 on the YAEL/ YAELNET/ Hebrew classification tests.
Applicants whose scores on the YAEL/ YAELNET/Hebrew classification tests range from 90-119 and their Psychometric score was at least 500 will be conditionally admitted and will have to pass the Hebrew Proficiency Test at the required score by the end of the first year of their studies. These students also have the option of studying a Hebrew literacy course within the framework of the University of Haifa preparatory program (Mechina) . Those who meet the course requirements and their final score in the course will be 85 and above will be exempt from the Hebrew condition.
Please note that certain departments require a higher level of Hebrew and that some departments do not approve admission with a Hebrew condition.
*The Hebrew classification test and Hebrew literacy course is valid at the University of Haifa only.
5.Departmental Entrance Examinations/Special admissions requirements– Certain departments require applicants to take a departmental Entrance Examinations and/or attend an interview or meet other departmental requirements.
For more information about the general admission requirements please read the supplement.
In addition to the general university admission requirements, the candidate must meet individual departmental admission requirements.
- A weighted score of 600 (in a ratio of 1 to 3, Matriculation Score to Psychometric Score, respectively).
- A psychometric score of 580.
- Matriculation in 8 units of science subjects (out of which at least 4 units in Mathematics).
- English at advanced level.
- Departmental interview.
- Score of 120 in the YAEL Hebrew Proficiency Test for candidates from non-Hebrew schools. Conditional acceptance for candidates with a YAEL Hebrew Proficiency score of 110-119.
As part of their application, candidates will be required to submit the following forms (download from: https://hw.haifa.ac.il/medimg-applicants ):
An academic fallback form
Health declaration.
The department will accept applicants throughout the registration period, until the number of students we can accept this year reached.
*The Hebrew classification test and Hebrew literacy course is valid at the University of Haifa only.
The studies in the Medical Imaging Sciences Department are conducted as a single-major track over a period of 7 semesters, i.e. three and a half years.
The program consists of theoretical as well as practitional studies encompassing the following knowledge domains: medical imaging and medical sciences, exact and natural sciences, computer and data sciences, social sciences, healthcare systems and academic research methodology.
Exact and natural sciences studies are aimed to the understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of medical imaging technologies.
Medical sciences studies are aimed at imparting knowledge of the human body structure and the physiological processes of health and illness.
Social sciences and healthcare studies are targeted to the understanding of evolutionary cognitive and mental processes, as well as the structure and functionality of the National Healthcare System in Israel; and additionally, towards developing skills for analysis of evidence-based academic research.
In addition to the studies held at the University of Haifa, the program includes practical experience (i.e., practical internship) at medical imaging institutes in various healthcare frameworks.
The graduates of the study program will be awarded a B.Sc. in Medical Imaging Sciences, thus opening them with a broad range of employment opportunities in healthcare institutions.*
In addition, the study program is aimed at providing its graduates with the academic fundamentals as well as the practical skills and experience that will open them opportunities in the high-tech industry and research institutes.
Excellent graduates will be able to further pursue an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. at the University of Haifa.
* Graduates of the study program shall be awarded a B.Sc. in Medical Imaging Sciences. Employment in the National Healthcare System will depend upon approval of the Ministry of Health.