Registration begins January 29, 2023.
For updated information and modifications, please contact the Registration Department at tel. 04-8240324 or by e-mail to
1. Matriculation Certificate/ high school diploma or an equivalent recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Education or by the Registration Department. Please attach a complete high school transcript of records.
2. Psychometric Entrance Examination / SAT or ACT.
For information about the Psychometric Entrance Examination and the examinations schedule please visit the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE) Website.
Applicants may forward their SAT or ACT results as a substitute for the Psychometric Entrance Examination.
3. Knowledge of English – The level of English is determined within the framework of the Psychometric Entrance Examination, the English Placement Tests (AMIR /AMIRAM) or SAT, TOFEL, IELTS, ECRL tests.
The minimum level of English required for admission to the university is Basic (a score of at least 85). Certain departments require a higher level of English. For further information, please visit departmental websites
Applicants who are exempt from the Psychometric Entrance Examination must take an AMIR/AMIRAM test as one of the admission requirements and for classification levels.
Note: A student who was admitted with a Pre Basic A or a Pre Basic B level will be conditionally admitted and will have to reach the “Basic” level until the end of the first year of study.
The classification into English levels according to the tests scores is as follows:
- Pre Basic A (Trom Bsisi Aleph): AMIR/AMIRAM/Psychometric test – 50-69
- Pre Basic B (Trom Bsisi Bet): AMIR/AMIRAM/Psychometric – 70-84
- Basic (Bsisi): AMIR/AMIRAM/Psychometric- 85-99, *SAT- 450,*TOFEL- 70, *IELTS – 5.5, *ECRL- A2
- Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph): AMIR/AMIRAM/Psychometric-100-119, SAT- 500, TOFEL-80, IELTS –6, ECRL- B1
- Advanced 2 (Mitkadmim Bet): AMIR/AMIRAM/Psychometric-120-133, SAT- 600, TOFEL -90, IELTS –6.5, ECRL-B2
- Exemption: AMIR/AMIRAM/Psychometric – 134 and above,SAT-670, TOFEL-100, IELTS –7 ECRL- C1
Each student must reach the “Exemption” level in order to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree.
Every student who begins his studies in the academic education system in Israel from 2021-2022, will take at least two courses in the English language during his undergraduate studies. This requirement can include: English classification courses for learning the language, courses from the discipline, elective courses, enrichment courses, etc. in the English language.
4. Knowledge of Hebrew
Applicants who take the Psychometric Entrance Examination in a language other than Hebrew and graduated from high schools where the language of instruction was not Hebrew, must prove satisfactory knowledge of Hebrew before the beginning of the academic year by passing a Hebrew Proficiency Test (YAEL/ YAELNET/ *Hebrew classification test of the University of Haifa ).The score required for admission to the University of Haifa at least 120 on the YAEL/ YAELNET/ Hebrew classification.
Applicants with scores that range from 90-119 on the YAEL/ YAELNET/Hebrew classification test and their Psychometric score was at least 500 will be conditionally admitted and will have to pass the Hebrew Proficiency Test at the required score (120) by the end of the first year of their studies.
[Please note that some departments require a higher level of Hebrew and some departments do not approve admission with a Hebrew condition.]
Applicants also have the option of studying a *Hebrew literacy course at the University of Haifa’s “Mechina” (Pre-Academic Preparatory Program). Those who meet the course requirements will be exempt from the Hebrew admission requirement . For further information regarding the Hebrew literacy course please contact the “Mechina” by email address: or at tel. number 04-8240176.
Applicants who have graduated the University of Haifa’s “Mechinat Olim”, with a grade of at least 80 in 4 units of Hebrew, are exempt from the Hebrew requirement.
For further information regarding the YAEL/YAELNET Tests, time schedule and registration please visit the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation website.
Applicants who are exempt from the Psychometric Entrance Examination and who graduated from high schools where the language of instruction was not Hebrew are also required to take the Hebrew Proficiency Test.
5. Additional requirements: Certain departments have additional admission requirements such as an interview and/or departmental entrance examination and/or different level of English and/or different required score at the Hebrew Proficiency Test and/or special mathematical requirements. For further information regarding departmental requirements click here.
“Olim” under the age of 23 are required to take a Preparatory Program (Mechinat Olim). For further details please contact the undergraduate department via email:
*The Hebrew classification test and the Hebrew literacy course are valid at the University of Haifa only.
For information regarding registration deadlines for the academic year 2023/2024 click here.
All departments reserve the right to end registration with no former announcement before the given deadline, in case all vacancies have been filled. It is recommended to apply early!
Registration for all degrees including Diploma Studies begins November 1st, 2022.
Only certain departments and certain courses within the departments are open for registration in this semester. For details about the departments that will open registration in the spring semester 2022/2023 please contact the Registration Department by e-mail to or
- New applicants for all degrees – 496 NIS
- Pre-academic students at the University of Haifa (During the 2022/2023 academic year) – 270.5 NIS
- Applicants from abroad must enclose a check payable to University of Haifa for 140 $ (U.S.D). Cash or postal orders are not acceptable.
The above fee does not include payment for the Psychometric Entrance Examination.
Applicants who have not enclosed receipt of payment to their registration form will not be considered.
- Registration fees are not refundable and are not transferable from year to year.
Please printout, fill and return the application form.