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להמשך קריאהיום פתוח לתוכניות בינלאומיות

Is this the end of “fake exemptions”?

תמונה תומכת תוכןIt is possible to detect when we provide false information regarding our health conditions through our handwriting, according to a new study conducted at the University of Haifa. The study used a computerized system, which was developed by Prof. Sara Rosenblum from the University of Haifa and that was patented recently, to analyze the handwriting process. “Our findings can provide the health care system and insurance companies with a fairly simple tool with which to discover medical fraud, without the need for intrusive devices such as the polygraph that tries to detect physiological changes,” said Dr. Gil Luria, one of the study’s conductors.

להמשך קריאהIs this the end of “fake exemptions”?

מפגש לתלמידי שנה שלישית, בוגרי החוג ללשון העברית ומתעניינים

26.5.14 החל מהשעה 17:30חדר 640, בניין ראשי (ליד האקדמון)לפרטים נוספים והרשמה:04-8249281החוג ללשון עברית

להמשך קריאהמפגש לתלמידי שנה שלישית, בוגרי החוג ללשון העברית ומתעניינים

Pleasure at another’s misfortune is evident in children as young as two

תמונה תומכת תוכןThey say there is no joy like the joy at another’s misfortune, but at what age do we already know how to feel and express it?
Until now, researchers believed that children didn’t develop such a sophisticated emotion until the age of seven, but a new study conducted at the University of Haifa found evidence of schadenfreude in children as young as two. “The study strengthened the perception that schadenfreude is an evolutionary mechanism that develops within us as we cope with situations of inequality,” said Prof. Simone G. Shamay-Tsoory, of the University of Haifa’s Psychology Department, who led the study.

להמשך קריאהPleasure at another’s misfortune is evident in children as young as two