חוקרות ערביות מעבר לחלון – כנס מלגאיות אוטו ורנר
בין 08:30 - 15:30 במצפור רבין, בניין רבין לפרטים נוספים ניתן לפנות למרכז היהודי-ערבי
בין 08:30 - 15:30 במצפור רבין, בניין רבין לפרטים נוספים ניתן לפנות למרכז היהודי-ערבי
Dr. Cathy Galbin, University of Manchester, Englad " Hotel Patriots? German-Speaking Jews in Mode Cosmopolitanist Thought " מתוך סדרת ההרצאות של מכון בוצריוס בין השעות 18:00-19:30 מצפור רבין, בניין רבין…
There’s plenty of cold weather still to come, but the University of Haifa is preparing for the sun, with a new study that examines whether solar electricity panels and green roofs can work well in tandem. The Kadas Green Roofs Ecology Research Center, headed by Prof. Leon Blaustein, researches the potential contributions of green roofs – roofs that are partially or completely covered with vegetation. With ongoing urbanization, which reduces the variety of species found in cities, green roofs can increase biological diversity, and also provide insulation, bringing energy benefits to building owners who will save money on heating and cooling.
University news and updates at a glance
בין השעות 13:00-15:00במועדון מעונות הסטודנטיםהמעוניינים להשתתף - נא להרשם עד ה-18/11/14בטלפון 04-8249334 או בדוא"ל: mclini@univ.haifa.ac.il המדור הקליני
Parents who very closely monitor their children’s Internet use in an attempt to reduce unsafe online behavior may actually be achieving the opposite effect, according to a new study conducted by University of Haifa researchers. “It seems that during adolescence, during which teens are seeking ways to achieve autonomy, overly restrictive monitoring actually motivates them to seek ways to circumvent the supervision,” say the researchers.
A rare copy of the Tanakh (Old Testament) that reached Israel in a circuitous fashion and was donated to the University by the late film producer and director Micha Shagrir, was reunited with its “twin,” a copy of the same edition that was already in the Rare Books Department of the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Library.
בין השעות 11:45 - 14:00 רחבת ריגר, קפה דשא לפרטים נוספים: דיקנאט הסטודנטים
University news and updates at a glance